Friday, January 24, 2014

Valentine's Day home decor - felt hearts

The basic material for this project is felt sheets. The rest of materials is up to you. I didn't buy anything new for this project, I just used whatever I had in my house and leftovers from other projects. I got the felt at Jo-Ann for 35 cents a sheet. Got 4 colors - red, pink, white and beige.
First I cut different sizes of hearts out using scissors. You always have to cut two same of each color and size obviously, you will stitch them together.

Then stitch those two pieces of felt together. I used different colors of embroidery floss for each, to get a diverse look.  I also used different stitching styles. Before you stitch the heart all  around, leave a small gap to put the filling in to get the full look. I use the polyester fiber fill I got a while ago at Jo-Ann. They have them anywhere and the bag I got lasts forever. I'm sure you will use it for various projects. After the filling is in, stitch the rest of the heart. This is how the hearts look like when they are finished:

I picked 4 hearts of different colors and embroidered them with simple stitches with the initials of all the members of my family.

I pulled embroidery floss through each of them and hang and tied them on the twine on my mirror. This is what it looks like when finished :-)

I took rest of the hearts and all the materials I found in my house and thought they would be useful at this project. My favorites are laces of all colors, buttons, can use ribbons also!

I decorated each heart differently and through the tiny hole at the bottom of each heart I pierced them with bamboo skeweres you find in every kitchen. I cut the sticks on the other side different lengths, to make them each pop out on different level when I stick them in the vase.

And this is the result.

At the end I tied a white piece of lace around the vase with big bow.

Turned out pretty well. What do you think?

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